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3. 近三年与智慧物联网相关的代表性项目
4. 近三年与智慧物联网相关的代表性论文
[1]石鳞,董树荣*,许红升,刘淑婷, 骆季奎. Enhanced performance triboelectric nanogenerators based on solid polymer electrolytes with different concentrations of cations. Nano Energy, 2020,8,64, (IF16.6)
[2]张弛,陈金凯,轩伟鹏*,董树荣,骆季奎,A.J.Flewitt, ZhongLinWang, Conjunction of triboelectric nanogenerator with induction coils as wireless power sources and self-powered wireless sensors. Nature communications, 2020.1,191,DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-13653(IF12.6)
5. 近三年与智慧物联网相关的研究生培养典型案例
[1]石鳞,董树荣*,许红升,刘淑婷, 骆季奎. Enhanced performance triboelectric nanogenerators based on solid polymer electrolytes with different concentrations of cations. Nano Energy, 2019,64, (IF16.6)
[2]石鳞,董树荣*,丁鹏,陈金凯,刘淑婷,,李石坚,张韶岷,骆季奎, Carbon Electrode Enables Flat Surface PDMS and PA6 Triboelectric Nanogenerators to Achieve significantly enhanced triboelectric performance. Nano energy, 55 (2019) 548(IF16.6)
[3]许红升,董树荣*,曹臻,刘淑婷,U. Farooq, A. Qadir, 骆季奎, Flexible dual-mode SAW strain sensor based on crystalline LiNbO3 thin film, J. Microeng. Micromech. 29 (2019) 025003 (IF2.4)
[4]徐旭,刘淑婷,董树荣,李石坚,李铁风*,欧阳宏伟,吴朝晖,杨卫,Soft Artificial Bladder Detrusor,, Advance healthcare materials,2018.03 V7N6P1701014 (IF6.8)
[5]刘淑婷, 董树荣*,石鳞,许红升,骆季奎Significant effects of electrode metal work function on resistive switch memory device with gelatin biodielectric layer, J. Electrochem. Soc. 165, 2018 (IF16.6)
6. 历年在物联网项目制招生的学生学位论文题目